It analyzes the firing and subsequent demotion of Air Force General John Lavelle for allegedly conducting unauthorized air strikes, and falsifying post-mission reports, in Vietnam during 1971-1972. The monograph further makes a strong argument that Lavelle was treated unjustly and, as a result, should have his two stars restored posthumously.
NWC and the Eisenhower School will use it as a case study on American civil-military relations next year, and that’s also true for Air Command and Staff College, the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies (SAASS), and the Air Force Academy. Army, Air Force, and Naval War College are all likely to use it as well, as is West Point. Hopefully, the monograph can help in the Air Force’s official efforts to have Lavelle posthumously restored to his four-star rank. The monograph is attached.
Tuesday, 15 March 2016 17:15
Dr. Mark “Clod” Clodfelter’s Monograph Published by NDU Press
NDU Press has just published Dr. Mark “Clod” Clodfelter’s monograph Violating Reality: The Lavelle Affair, Nixon, and Parsing the Truth.
Published in
From the Rotunda
Download attachments:
- Violating_Reality.pdf (2747 Downloads)