The first thing was to increase our contact with you and to improve our communications. Like most organizations, the past few years have not been the best financially and we moved away from doing things to reduce expenses. By doing so, we have moved ourselves into a better place and we are now reaching out to improve our relationship with you. What have we done and what are we planning on doing:
As you know, you are getting emails from us again. We want to provide you more about our activities and changes. I hope that I haven’t overloaded your email inbox.
One of the changes was to restructure our membership dues. Now Annual memberships are $30.00 and Life memberships have been reduced to $300.00. Additionally, Annual members receive a 7.5% discount on all items purchased from the Association. Life members receive a 15% discount. This restructuring has been talked about for some time but now is in place and we hope that you take advantage of these rates. You may pay dues or purchase life membership through the membership page on this website.
We have restored the Forums and hope to expand them in the coming year. And we are listening to you in your request for Forums in the morning hours. We will try to make that happen, but we need to find dates when there is parking available and that is very difficult, as well as getting facilities to hold the meetings. But stay tuned -- we are working to make sure we can serve those who can come in the mornings and those who can come in the evenings.
In March we held a Regional Seminar in Naples, FL along with the Council on World Affairs. And we had a good turnout of NWC Alumni. We are hoping to expand the Regional Seminars to other locations. If you are interested in assisting us in your area, please let us know.
We have several other initiatives that we are working on and we will let you know about them when details are better defined.
Bottom line is we are here to serve you and the College. Please let us know how we can do a better job. Thanks for your continued interest and support in the College and the Alumni Association.
Gene Russell
Colonel, USA, Ret.
Executive Director